Art is a conversation between the artist and audience.
What does the artist have to say?
How does the viewer respond?
The first, and sometimes the only person to view the work is the artist.
These small works came forward, mostly, in 2009.
A few more in 2020.
They were, in main, reactions to the major economic downturn of 2008, and the pandemic that entrenched itself in 2020.
Our personal sense of the world, in both instances, shrank. The lines surrounding it shrank.
But the world at large was still the world at large.
How to express that inside this 3x3 space
is the conversation.
—Donald Guravich, 2024
Donald Guravich was born in 1948, on Deer Island, in New Brunswick, Canada. He attended Mount Allison University, where he majored in English, and minored in Art History. He left a year before completing his degree, and instead, travelled to Mexico, where he lived for some time in southern Oaxaca, on the coast. Over the years, he travelled extensively in Mexico, accompanied by his wife, the poet Joanne Kyger. He was a frequent guest faculty of the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University. He has lived in Bolinas for over four decades.